Art:Science:Life 13 Feb 2016 – 29 May 2016
I currently have a couple of pieces in ART:SCIENCE:LIFE, An exhibition celebrating 135 years of art and science at Ipswich Museum. I am...

Synthesis and Exhibition
'Masters @ the Minories'; Exhibition at the minories in Colchester open till the 22nd August. #kimbarclay #art #FineArt #Exhibition...

...do I really need to repeat myself... #FineArt #kimbarclay #digitalmanipulation

Ive been thinking on the reason for making these objects and whether there is significance beyond the making process. I feel there is...

Pictogram Logograms - (Chinese – hanzi) (Japanese – kanji) Runes Cuneiform Isotype – (Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics) Hieroglyphs...

Look mum no hands!
Ok so a lot has happened since last we spoke. 3rd new site in as many months but Wix seems good so far and best of all - its free, which...